MEMBER SPOTLIGHT Zoe Ebling (Membership Committee 2020) | Design Works Gaming
Zoe is a originally from Chicago, IL. She moved to Arizona in 2016 in search of sunshine and employment.
She works for a game development company in Old Town Scottsdale. Zoe loves martinis and her dog, Randall.
How did you start getting involved with GET?
I was invited to GET by a former colleague. I wanted to expand my network to help me further my professional career.
My favorite part of GET is the genuine people and friends I've made.
Why did you decide to become a GET Phoenix Member?
I wanted to expand my professional skills and work with like minded professionals.
GET has always felt like home and I wanted to help expand GET Phoenix's reach to other professionals looking to develop their skills and meet new people.
Fun fact about yourself?
My favorite food is hotdogs.