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Business: A Wide Open Opportunity for Young Adults With a Disability

GET Phoenix

According to the Department Of Labor, the number of adults with a disability (ages 16 and up) that are actively engaged in the workforce went from 35.1% in July 2021 to 37.3% in July 2022. This is excellent news and points to a greater acceptance of the disabled population in the workplace. But, what types of jobs are best for young adults facing mobility, vision, hearing, or other types of disability?

The answer: business. While that might sound like a broad answer, we're using it as a general term to describe traditionally white-collar office jobs. Although people with disabilities are fully capable of doing many of the same professions as those without, business-oriented careers tend to be the most disability-friendly and offer a wide range of salaries. You can also work toward becoming an entrepreneur, and CNBC notes that you’ll probably pay yourself around $70,300 per year once you’re established.

So here are some tips from GET Phoenix to help you get started in the business world.

Types of Jobs

Business jobs run the gamut from entry-level receptionists to sitting in the C-suite. GlassDoor notes other options include an operations research analyst, accountant, actuary, supply chain analyst, and business operations manager. There are also jobs in the medical field, in an industrial setting, and within the municipal sector.


Like the types of jobs, degree options range wildly, and there is no right or wrong answer for all individuals. For example, earning an IT bachelor's degree online allows you to enter a growth industry while learning at your own pace – meaning less scheduling conflicts and time away from work while the bills pile up!

However, in some cases, you may not even need a bachelor’s degree to launch a new career. If you’ve previously worked in a healthcare setting and have some experience in medical coding. You might choose to elevate your career by taking a certificate-based professional development program. The most popular medical coding courses are those that allow you to evaluate your skills after covering the basics, including medical procedure identification, service claims, and code entry.

The First Steps

After you’ve decided what you’d like to do and have taken steps toward your future career, you have to take another leap into the adult world and get your first job. This means promoting yourself, which consists of things like having a great resume and a refined LinkedIn.

For your resume, plan to use a template. You can typically find free design options online, which you can then customize with everything from samples of your work to special colors to photos and a rundown of your professional/educational accolades.

Your resume should extend to your professional social media account (LinkedIn) and should also include information unique to you, such as a photo (no selfies!) and a complete profile. If you plan to share information on your professional social media sites, keep it professional and positive. Another quick tip here is to respond to recruiters and others that reach out to you. You never know when the right connection will stumble across your online resume. This post from Kyle Cong Photography shares lots of great information on how to sit for your first headshot.

If you’re a young adult looking to get into the world of working, consider talking to your parents, school counselor, or a career consultant about the options available to you. Whether you choose to finish your degree or fast-track your career with a professional development course, remember that it all starts with how you present yourself on your resume and LinkedIn profile. Be patient, and remember, there are plenty of jobs out there, all you have to do is apply.

GET Phoenix provides professional and personal development opportunities to career-oriented young professionals. If you have any questions, let us know!


ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Mindy Bartley is a former community college business instructor. Today, she is a consultant who also dabbles in e-commerce startups. She created Startup Steps to bring her business knowledge to a wider audience, build a community of entrepreneurial-minded souls, and help connect first-time entrepreneurs with experienced mentors.


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